Krishna Colours & Constchem Private Limited
Name:Krishna Colours & Constchem Private Limited
Products detail
Product Name: Protective & Decorative Coating (KSEALCORE)
Product Type: Coatings and Paints -> Coating
Product spec: 99%
Post Time: 2010-08-03
Description: Protective & Decorative Coating (KSEALCORE) KSEALCORE epoxy floor coating is a two part solvent free epoxy resin based floor coating consisting of a pigmented base resin and a clear hardener component. The floor coating is available in a range of colours. USES Protective coating for old and new concrete. Aesthetic finish to patch-repaired concrete to give uniform pleasing appearance. Ware house, storage areas and show rooms. Light industrial factory areas to gives resistance to foot and light vehicular traffic. Also used for anti-slip appearance. Early application to concrete surfaces to prevent ingress of aggressive substances in to immature concrete. Floor coatings for kitchens and other food processing areas. Used as a top coat in conjunction with water based epoxy coating and non-slip grains to form a slip resistant surfacing. ADVANTAGES Easy to apply by brush, roller or spray. Protects and decorates. The applied coating is resistant to abrasive wear and to the penetration of oiland greases The two part solvent free product is pre-packaged ready for on site mixing without any risk from solvent vapours. High build and “hiding power” may be achieved in two coats giving 400 microns thickness of application. Strong and hard wearing surface. Easy to clean, hygienic, seamless floor. Excellent adhesion and maximum protection. A non slip finish obtained when the first coating is broadcast with non-slip grains. APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS Surface preparation All contact surfaces must be sound, clean, and dry and provide a good mechanical key. Remove all loose material, paint, plaster and oily deposits. For best results, light grit blasting is recommended. PRIMING Apply KSEALCORE WB PRIMER as a primer coat on the smooth surface. The primer coat should be done 5 – 8 hrs. before applying KSEALCORE.
Recipient: Mr. Kishor Sindhwani Company: Krishna Colours & Constchem Private Limited
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